
Showing posts from March, 2023

Working Principle of Steam Power Plants

A generating station which converts heat energy of coal combustion into electrical energy is known as a steam power station. 1. Selection of site for steam power stations: (a) The site should be nearest to the coal mines so that Transport cost of fuel is minimum. (b) Large quantity of cooling (for the condenser) water should be available. (c) The land should not be rocky and marshy. (d) The chimney of the plant, do not obstruct the flying aero planes, i.e., the site should be away from the airport. (e) The site should not be surrounded by residential building to avoid nuisance of smoke, noise etc. (f) If the station is located, near the load center, the distribution cost reduces. (g) Facility for the disposal of ash. 2. Schematic Diagram of Steam Power Stations: 3. The main and auxiliary equipment in a  thermal power plant are. (a) Coal and ash handling plant (b) Steam generator or Boiler (c) Super heater (d) Economizer (e) Airpreheater. (f) Steam Turbine (g) Condenser (b) Cooling ...